
Section 1

Assessed Units of Evaluation

In ERA, a Unit of Evaluation (UoE) is the research discipline, as defined by the ANZSRC two- and four-digit FoR codes, for an eligible institution (Appendix 1). A UoE is assessed for a specific institution when it has sufficient research volume to be considered research active for the purposes of ERA. ERA evaluation occurs at both the two- and four-digit FoR code levels.

A total of 2,460 (UoEs) were assessed in the ERA 2015 evaluation process. There were 658 two-digit units assessed and 1,802 four-digit units assessed. The first chart below shows the number of two-digit assessed UoEs only. The second chart shows the number of four-digit UoEs assessed aggregated to the two-digit level.

UoEs assessed by two-digit FoR

A bar graph showing the total number of Units of Evaluation (UoEs) at the two-digit Fields of Research code level. There were 658 two-digit Units of Evaluation assessed. The two-digit codes with the highest number of UoEs assessed were Medical and Health Sciences (39), Studies in Human Society (39) and Education (38). The lowest number of UoEs evaluated at the two-digit level was Technology with 11 UoEs.

UoEs assessed by aggregated four-digit FoR codes (grouped by two-digit FoR code)

A bar graph showing the total number of Units of Evaluation (UoEs) that were assessed at the four-digit Fields of Research code, this is displayed at the aggregated two-digit code. There were 1,802 four-digit units of evaluation assessed, with the top three being Medical and Health Sciences (280), Engineering (148) and Biological Sciences (139). The lowest number of UoEs evaluated at the two-digit level was Technology with 19 UoEs.