

ERA 2015 Indicators

ERA is based on the principle of expert review informed by indicators. The ERA 2015 evaluations undertaken by RECs were informed by four broad categories of indicators:

  1. Indicators of research quality
    Research quality was considered on the basis of a publishing profile, citation analysis, ERA peer review, and peer reviewed Australian and international research income
  2. Indicators of research activity
    Research activity is considered on the basis of research outputs, research income and other research items within the context of the profile of eligible researchers
  3. Indicators of research application
    Research application is considered on the basis of research commercialisation income, patents, Plant Breeder’s Rights, registered designs, and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Endorsed Guidelines. Some other measures, such as publishing behaviour and some other categories of research income, can also provide information about research application
  4. Indicators of recognition
    Research recognition was considered on the basis of a range of esteem measures.

More detailed information about each of the ERA indicators is available in the ERA 2015 Evaluation Handbook.

The ERA indicators are underpinned by the ERA Indicator Principles. The ERA Indicator Principles were developed by the ARC in accordance with international best practice and informed by the ERA Indicator Development Group with analytical testing of data from the Australian higher education sector.

The ERA indicator suite was developed to align with the research behaviours of each discipline. For this reason, there are differences in the selection of indicators. The indicators that apply to each discipline (as defined by two- or four-digit FoRs) are shown in the ERA 2015 Discipline Matrix.5

5 ERA 2015 Discipline Matrix (opens in new window)