
Section 1

Contribution by Employment Level

The following charts show how researchers at each employment level contribute as authors to output volume. There is a chart for the ERA 2015 data collection overall, and one for each two-digit FoR. The left hand side of each chart shows the distribution of eligible researchers across the academic levels A to E and the ‘Other’ employment level. Researcher numbers are measured on a headcount basis (that is, no apportioning for part-time hours). Employment status is not considered here. For example, an eligible researcher identified by their institution as Level E is counted equally whether they are an FTE employee (‘Employed’), a ‘Casual’ employee, or an ‘Other Appointment’ (for example visting or exchange). Note: due to rounding percentages may not sum to 100 per cent.

The right hand side shows the proportion of outputs where one or more eligible authors are at the corresponding academic level. An output is counted at a particular level if one or more of its ERA-eligible institution authors is at that level (authors who are not eligible ERA researchers are not considered here). For example, the second chart – for FoR 01 Mathematical Sciences – shows that Level C staff made up 15 per cent of all eligible 01 researchers and contributed as authors on 19 per cent of submitted 01 outputs. This means 19 per cent of all 01 outputs had one or more Level C authors. Note: since outputs may be counted more than once where there are multiple authors with different employment levels on each output, percentages will sum to >100 per cent.

All FoRs – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  In the chart for all Fields of Research, the ‘Other’ staff employment level make up 33 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 25 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 11 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 40 per cent of outputs.

01 Mathematical Sciences – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 01 Mathematical Sciences, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 26 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 18 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 13 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 43 per cent of outputs.

02 Physical Sciences – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 02 Physical Sciences, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 32 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 24 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 11 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 41 per cent of outputs.

03 Chemical Sciences – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 03 Chemical Sciences, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 37 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 28 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 10 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 48 per cent of outputs.

04 Earth Sciences – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 04 Earth Sciences, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 33 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 23 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 13 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 38 per cent of outputs.

05 Environmental Sciences – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 05 Environmental Sciences, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 34 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 25 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 11 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 41 per cent of outputs.

06 Biological Sciences – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 06 Biological Sciences, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 38 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 29 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 9 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 41 per cent of outputs.

07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 35 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 26 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 9 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 40 per cent of outputs.

08 Information and Computing Sciences – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 08 Information and Computing Sciences, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 34 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 21 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 10 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 40 per cent of outputs.

09 Engineering – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 09 Engineering, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 35 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 20 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 12 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 51 per cent of outputs.

10 Technology – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 10 Technology, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 27 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 20 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up seven per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 46 per cent of outputs.

11 Medical and Health Sciences – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 11 Medical and Health Sciences, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 42 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 37 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 10 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 46 per cent of outputs.

12 Built Environment and Design – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 12 Built Environment and Design, Level B staff employment level make up 27 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 22 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 11 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 32 per cent of outputs.

13 Education – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 13 Education, Level B staff employment level make up 29 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 18 per cent of submitted outputs. Level C staff make up 22 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 31 per cent of outputs.

14 Economics –Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 14 Economics, Level B staff employment level make up 25 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 13 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 19 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 44 per cent of outputs.

15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services, Level B staff employment level make up 28 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 16 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 15 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 37 per cent of outputs.

16 Studies in Human Society – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 16 Studies in Human Society, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 28 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 20 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 13 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 33 per cent of outputs.

17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 31 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 26 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 12 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 45 per cent of outputs.

18 Law – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 18 Law, Level B staff employment level make up 24 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 12 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 18 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 39 per cent of outputs.

19 Studies in Creative Arts and Writing – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 19 Studies in Creative Arts and Writing, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 25 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 18 per cent of submitted outputs. Level C staff make up 21 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 28 per cent of outputs.

20 Language, Communication and Culture – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 20 Language, Communication and Culture, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 28 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 20 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up nine per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 25 per cent of outputs.

21 History and Archaeology – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 21 History and Archaeology, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 40 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 28 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 12 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 25 per cent of outputs.

22 Philosophy and Religious Studies – Distribution of researchers and outputs by employment level

Bar chart with dual axes displaying the percentage of researchers on one axis and percentage of outputs on the other axis for each employment level - Levels A to E and Other. The bars down the left hand side of the chart show the percentage of eligible researchers across academic levels A-E and Other. The bars down the right hand side of the chart show the percentage of outputs where one or more of the eligible authors are at that level.  For 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies, the ‘other’ staff employment level make up 34 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors to 26 per cent of submitted outputs. Level E staff make up 12 per cent of researchers and contribute as authors on 28 per cent of outputs.